A downloadable game

Goofy Goblins is a roles reversed tower defence game where you are the leader of the goblin army. You find yourself very very hungry, you decide that you must attack the French forces in order to secure yourself the legendary golden croissant. Be careful though as this is there most prized possession and it is heavily guarded with deadly traps. arm yourself and command your army to GO GET THAT PASTRY!


Goofy Goblins.exe 21 MB

Install instructions

Simply download and click on the exe. Provide it administration access and follow the install instructions. Once it has finished installing you can run the game.


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(2 edits)

Congratulations on making a game! I liked the sounds!

Biggest of all, I think there should be a button to fast forward to the next wave if you have nothing summoned, and when I had 5 or 15 coins, I couldn't buy the units that cost 5 and 15 coins respectively. There's definitely a lot of bugs, but I waited all the way until wave 3. The biggest units that should cost 50 seemed to just cost 5 and be the smallest units (maybe that's because I didn't have 100 which I'm guessing is required). Also, the optimal strategy seems to be to spam units down the same line, so unfortunately it didn't add much to have two lanes (other than showing you could make it - kudos to that). I wonder what happens when the life gets down to 0, but it's too time consuming to figure it out, unfortunately.

And it's definitely not ideal that you have to install Game Maker to play the game, but I'm sure you know that.

Hi, thankyou for playing our game!

We are aware of the many bugs, as you are aware we had a very limited time limited. Additionally this is the second game we ever made so we are very inexperienced game devs. Thankyou for making it to wave three that is further than I myself got to lol. 

(i appreciate the comment on the sounds as i did all the sfx work lmao)

we did also want to include a way to skip to next waves but we ran out of time to implement. Also we couldn't get the big  troop to spawn as it messed with the aiming of the towers.

We do intend on working on this game in the future to make it actually enjoyable to play but for now its more of a proof of concept

appreciate your criticism, have a nice day :D